كورس البرمجة الكينونية باستخدام لغة البرمجة جافا: شرح الكلاسز EnumSet & EnumMap بالاضافة الى بعض الدوال مثل: – of method – allof method – range method – noneOf method – add method – addAll method – remove method – removeAll method بالاضافة الى فوائد القوائم الثابتة بالجافا والفرق بين القوائم الثابتة والكلاسز ~ Explanation of EnumSet class in addition to its methods, such as: – of method – allof method – range method – noneOf method – add method – addAll method – remove method – removeAll method and Explanation of EnumMap class and Benefits of using Enums in Java, Difference, between Enums and Classes, enum vs Enums vs Enumeration ~ Contents of this video 00:00 – Introduction 00:08 – EnumSet class 01:46 – of method 02:04 – allof method 04:18 – range method 05:00 – noneOf method 05:51 – add method 06:23 – addAll method 07:20 – remove method 07:44 – removeAll method 08:28 – EnumMap class 11:28 – Benefits of using Enums in Java 12:29 – Difference between Enums and Classes 13:13 – enum vs Enums vs Enumeration ~ EnumMap: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/enummap-class-java-example/ ~ JAVA 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNvJipMTKSM&list=PLCInYL3l2AajYlZGzU_LVrHdoouf8W6ZN ~ If you like my content, buy me a cup of coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/adelnasim ~ حساب المجموعة: https://web.facebook.com/groups/281852196102657/?_rdc=1&_rdr ~ لطرح الاسئلة وإيجاد الحلول البرمجية http://goask.io/ ~ دعم القناة https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/adelnasim ~ ~ https://adelnasim.com