محتوى الكورس ANALYTICAL chemistry Theoretical bases of Acid base titrationمعايرة introduction lec1fullتحليلية lec 2-1 analytical chemistry lec 2-2 Types of buffer solutions analytical chemistry lec 2-3 lec 3-1 Types of acid base lec 3-2 Types of acid base lec 3-3 Indicator , constant ph calculation analytical chemistry lec 4 full SULMS ANALYTICAL chemistry neutralisation indicators lec 5 full 6-1 6-2 titration curves of strong base vs strong acid analytical 6-11 6-4 7-1 7-2 7-3 6 August 2018(4) 6 August 2018(5) lec 8 full analytical lec 9 full analytical ANALYTICAL Chemistry precipitimetric titration lec 11 full Lec 12 full analytical chemistry