شرح الدرس الاول ديسكفر للصف الثالث الابتدائى ترم اولCHAPTER 1 MAKING A STRONGER ME Follow each direction. Write your answers neatly.LIFE SKILLS 1. Copy the definition of “life skills” that the class has agreed upon. 2. Below are some of the life skills we will work on in class this year. Put a star in front of the skills you are good at already. Put a circle next to the skills you need to improve upon.Lesson1I am good at organizing my work and staying focused. I am creative and show my ideas in diff erent ways. I fi nd ways to solve my problems and help others.I can communicate my ideas in many ways.It is usually easy for me to explain my thinking.I like to set goals to reach.I listen and respect others’ opinions.I think about how others feel when playing or working together. ثالثه ابتدائى تجريبى الدرس الاول Discover الصف الثالث الابتدائي الترم الاول الصف الثالث الابتدائى DISCOVER