ديسكفر للصف الثالث الابتدائى ترم اول حل كتاب المدرسة ديسكفر للصف الثالث الابتدائى شرح الدرس الثانى Discover ديسكفر للصف الثالث الابتدائى ترم اول CHAPTER 1 MAKING A STRONGER ME ثالثه ابتدائى تجريبى الدرس الاول Discover الصف الثالث الابتدائي الترم الاول الصف الثالث الابتدائى DISCOVER USING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS Look at the pictures below. These pictures are small parts of a bigger picture. Can you decide what the whole image is? Discuss with your Shoulder Partner, write your answers in the blanks, and then explain how you found your answers. Solve the riddles and write about the strategy you used to solve them.RIDDLES 1. My number is less than 10.You can add my number 3 times to make the number 15.What is my number? 2. I am a unit of measurement.I can measure the length of an object.I am useful for measuring the length of a paper clip.What am I? I can use critical thinking skills. My favorite strategy today was