Idioms Target: ““““““““““` 1. Like looking for a needle in a haystack. Looking for something that is very difficult to find. 2. To check something out. To see or find out about something. 3. To be someone’s cup of tea. To be pleasing or interesting to someone. To fit someone’s tastes or interests. 4. To pay through the nose. To pay a lot of money. 5. To wake up on the wrong side of the bed. To be in a bad mood. 6. Wet blanket. Unenthusiastic or disagreeable, lacking the appropriate attitude or spirit for a particular situation. 7. Out of style. No longer in fashion or vogue. 8. To drag someone somewhere. To convince someone to go or come somewhere they don’t want to be. 9. To keep up with the trends. To follow new fashions or trends very closely. 10. To try something on. To wear a piece of clothing to see if it fits properly or looks nice on a person. Notice that you can extend this idiom to “try something on for size.”It can mean the same thing as to try an article of clothing on, or it can be used generally to mean to try something and see how it feels or works. 11. Low-cut. Describes clothing that is cut to reveal skin, to cover less of the body than usual. 12. It doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Said of clothes that reveal a lot of skin,that are very tight, or that are nearly seethrough. 13. Hot. Physically attractive, sexually appealing. 14. To turn heads. To be beautiful, to cause people to turn and look at you. 15. To drop something. To forget something, or to stop talking about something. 16. To cough something up. To find the means to provide something, especially money. 17. Knockoff. A cheap and low-quality reproduction of something expensive. 18. Bargain basement. The area of a store where older sale items are displayed for discount prices. This expression is also used to describe any cheap or low-quality clothing. 19. The clothes make the man. An expression meaning that people are judged by their appearance, including especially the clothes they choose to wear. 20. To throw on. To put clothes on hastily and thoughtlessly. 21. Make a nice impression. To give people a favorable idea of who you are. 22. To come off as. To give a certain impression,to suggest a certain attitude or style. 23. Busy. Describing something that is overly designed—clothes, patterns, wallpaper, art, etc.—or has too many elements. 24. One of a kind. Unique. Unlike anything else. 25. It’s very me. It’s typical of something I’d wear, do, or say. It’s representative of me. 26. To burst someone’s bubble. To disappoint someone. To give someone disappointing news. 27. To fit someone like a glove. To fit someone perfectly, as if the thing that fits were made specifically for that person. 28. To go with something. To match something. To look nice together with another thing. Apps “““““““““““` Website: Google Store: App Store: