شرح الدرس 3 Discover ديسكفر للصف الثالث الابتدائى ترم اول CHAPTER 2 MAKING A HEALTHY BODY الصف الثالث الابتدائى DISCOVER حل كتاب المدرسة ديسكفر للصف الثالث الابتدائى ترم اول ديسكفرى ثالثه ابتدائى شرح كتاب ديسكفر ثالثه ابتدئى Look at the picture. What parts do you see labeled?MAP OF THE HUMAN BODY Read the text. Underline how our skin protects us. Circle ways you can protect your skin.OUR SKIN PROTECTS Our skin is all that stands between us and the outside world. It protects us from harmful germs and rays from the sun. It keeps fl uids in and helps keep our temperature constant. Our skin weighs about 4 kilograms. It is the largest organ in our body. Our skin is made up of multiple layers. Some you can see, and some are under the surface. The top layer is about half as thick as a sheet of paper. We make new skin all the time. Constantly making new layers keeps our skin healthy and whole. Our skin provides good protection. The rays of the sun can hurt our skin. When we are in the sun, our skin makes a substance to guard against harmful rays. Sunscreen can help protect against harmful rays. However, the best way to block out the sun is to cover up. If we take good care of our skin, it can protect us for a long time. PROTECTING OUR SKINRead the instructions. Record your predictions. Then follow the steps to complete the experiment.