حل كتاب المدرسة ماث تانية ابتدائى حل كتاب المدرسة ماث تانية ابتدائى من الدرس الاول الى العاشر منهج جديد ترم اول شرح ماث تانية ابتدائى math grade 2 لغات تانية ابتدائى تجريبى تانية ابتدائى منهج لغات تانية ابتدائى 00:00 الدرس الثانى 5:15 الدرس الثالث 7:50 الدرس الرابع 12:50 الدرس الخامس 16:40 الدرس السادس 20:50 الدرس السابع 23:00 الدرس الثامن 24:08 الدرس التاسع 31:00 الدرس العاشر Directions: Use the data from the Pick a Flower Pictograph to create a bar graph. Directions: Refl ect on your learning. Then write at least one thing you learned about pictographs today. Directions: Look at the Pick A Flower pictograph and then answer the questions below. Directions: Roll two dice, fi nd the sum, and then shade in the matching box on the chart below. Remember to start at the bottom. Directions: Look at the Favorite Colors graph and then answer questions about the data. Directions: Refl ect on your learning. Did you prefer working with the graph with a scale of 1 or working with the graph with a scale of 2? Or did it not matter to you? Write or draw a picture to show your thinking and explain why. Directions: Look at the Favorite Fruit 2 graph and then answer questions about the data. Directions: Look at the Favorite Fruit graph and then answer questions about the data. Directions: Refl ect on your learning. Write or draw something you learned or noticed about today’s bar graph. For example, which category had the most votes? Which category were you in? Did your category have a lot of students or a few? Directions: Use the Favorite Day of the Week graphs to answer the questions. Directions: Refl ect on your learning. Write or draw 3 things you noticed about the class bar graph. Directions: Work with your teacher to create a graph. Then answer questions about the data.