محتوى الكورس 1-How to build your own CCIE R&S lab 2-VLANs and trunking 3- VTPv1,2 4-VTP Pruning 5- VTPv3 6- Etherchannel theory 7- L2 Etherchannel Config 8- Layer 3 EtherChannel Configuration 9- Spanning-Tree Protocol 10- Per-VLAN STP + 11- Tunning STP port roles 12- STP portfast_uplink fast_backbone fast 13-STP BPDU guard_BPDU filter 14- Loopguard and UDLD 15- RSTP 16- Port Protection and Private VLANs 17- MST (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol) 18- DHCP Snooping + DAI + IP Source Guard 19- Port Security 20- PPP Protocol 21- PPP Configuration 22- PPPoE 23- IPv4 Routing 24- GRE & IP in IP Tunneling 25- DMVPN