Idioms Target: ““““““““““` 1. To give someone a break. To hold back criticism, judgment, or effort against someone. 2. To brush something off. To fail to take something seriously. To treat something as unimportant or inconsequential. 3. To put something away. To save something, such as money. 4. To burn through something. To use something very fast, with little care for future supplies. 5. To live paycheck-to-paycheck. To earn only enough money to meet weekly or monthly bills,to not be able to save or spend on nonessentials. 6. No skin off someone’s nose. To be of no concern or importance to someone. To fail to affect someone. To say “it’s no skin off your nose” means that there’s an inconvenience only for the speaker, but none for the listener. 7. To make your own way in the world. To support yourself, to be responsible for your own needs in life. 8. To get the ball rolling. To get started doing something. 9. To get your feet wet. To get experience, to try something out. 10. Like talking to a wall. Communicating with someone who doesn’t understand or listen. 11. To go about something. To handle,to act, or to perform in a situation or with a certain goal. 12. To have your head in the clouds. To be a dreamer, to fail to be realistic or pay attention to realistic needs. 13. To sell out. To betray your principles for money. 14. To get along with. To behave in an agreeable way with someone. 15. To see eye to eye. To agree. 16. To take charge of something. To become responsible for something and make active decisions about it. 17. To wake up and smell the coffee. To acknowledge the reality of a situation. 18. Neither here nor there. To not be the point. To not matter or be important in the current context. 19. To cut the cord. To detach yourself from someone or something that you used to have strong influence or control over. The image is of a baby being physically attached to his or her mother by the umbilical cord. 20. It’s about time. To be the right time. This expression may also communicate the opinion that something should have been done a long time ago. 21. To face the music. To confront or accept unpleasant realities or consequences of bad actions. 22. To sink or swim. To be in a situation where you must either perform your best or fail. 23. To cut someone off. To stop someone’s supply of something, often money or support. Apps “““““““““““` Website: Google Store: App Store: