Idioms Target: ““““““““““` 1. To have a screw loose. To be crazy. To be thinking unreasonably. 2. To be one to do something. This expression is used to communicate someone’s typical or characteristic behavior. Notice that this expression is most commonly used in the negative. 3. To throw in the towel. To quit. To stop doing something. 4. Keep your shirt on! Remain calm. Relax. Be patient. 5. A stick in the mud. A boring person. Someone who’s uptight and spoils the fun. 6. To go with the flow. To take things as they come. To not worry or try to anticipate the future. 7. To be bound to happen. To be extremely likely to happen, to be certain. 8. A security blanket. Something that makes someone feel safe, even if it does not actually provide safety. 9. To give something a whirl. To give something a shot. To try something. 10. To be batting a thousand. To be on a roll. To be performing very well. Note that this can also be used sarcastically to imply that someone is doing poorly. 11. To take to.To find an interest in,to learn that you enjoy something. 12. Like a duck to water. To act as if you’re in your natural environment. To be at ease doing something. 13. Poetry in motion. Someone or something that moves gracefully. 14. To get the show on the road. To begin something. To start doing something. 15. To make up your mind. To decide. 16. It’s all downhill from here. Everything is easy after this moment. 17. To sleep like a log. To sleep so well that you hardly move. 18. To buy the farm. To die. This expression is usually used in a lighthearted or joking way. 19. To give something a jump start. To provide help, motivation, or incentive to start something. Apps “““““““““““` Website: Google Store: App Store: