Idioms Target: ““““““““““` 1. Pain in the neck. Annoying or bothersome. 2. Like pulling teeth.Very difficult and tedious. 3. To get something squared away. To tie up loose ends. To solve the various smaller problems of a larger troublesome situation. 4. To iron something out. To fix a problem,to correct a mistake in a process. 5. To bite the bullet. To accept a disagreeable solution for a difficult situation. 6. To flog a dead horse. To do something that has no hope of succeeding or bringing about the desired result. Note that this idiom is often used with “beat”instead of“flog.” 7. The same old story. The same explanation for a situation given over and over again. 8. To give someone the runaround. To avoid answering a question or giving someone help by treating them evasively or by misleading them. 9. To be in someone’s shoes. To be in someone else’s position or situation. 10. To pull up. To access a file or other information on a computer. 11. To have been down that road before. To have experienced or tried something before, especially if it was not helpful or pleasant. 12. To call the shots. To make the important decisions. 13. At your wit’s end. Completely frustrated and confused about how to solve a problem. 14. To get on someone’s case. To aggressively bother or nag someone about something. 15. To be spinning your wheels. To be putting forth an effort that is having no useful effect. To be working in vain. 16. To have a good mind to do something. To be inclined to do something. To have a strong desire to do something. 17. To feed someone a line. To tell someone something that is not genuine or truthful. To use a trite or clichéd expression instead of the truth. 18. To be beyond someone. To be impossible to understand, to be completely unbelievable. 19. To have your hands tied. To be unable to do anything to help a situation. 20. To be out of your mind. To be crazy,to be unreasonable or irrational. This expression is very often used in response to someone who proposes something completely unreasonable. 21. To take something out on someone. To direct anger or frustration about something at someone who is not responsible for it. 22. To have had it with something or someone. To be fed up with. To not be able to handle any more of a situation or person. 23. For crying out loud . . . This expresses complete frustration about a situation. Apps “““““““““““` Website: Google Store: App Store: