Idioms Target: ““““““““““` 1. To get something off your chest. To say something important that you’ve been thinking about a lot. 2. To be on your mind. To be something you think a lot about. 3. To spring something on someone. To give someone unexpected news with no preparation or warning. 4. To break up with someone. To end a romantic relationship. 5. To dump someone. To stop being in a romantic relationship with someone. 6. To come out of nowhere. To seem to happen without any logical explanation or warning. 7. Couch potato. A person who sits around and does very little physical activity, often just watching TV. 8. To be crazy about something. To like something a lot. 9. To be in seventh heaven. To feel wonderful,to be very happy. 10. To move on. To begin something else,to stop focusing on one person or thing and to start to think about someone or something else. 11. To let yourself go. To allow yourself to be in bad physical condition because of diet or lack of exercise. 12. To turn someone on. To be a turn-on. To cause an attraction, usually physical. 13. To drive someone up the wall. To annoy someone very much. 14. To bring something up. To start to talk about something, to introduce a topic in conversation. 15. To get used to something. To become accustomed to or familiar with something. Notice that this expression is similar to “to be used to something,”meaning to be accustomed to or familiar with something. 16. To grow out of something. To become too old for something, to stop having an interest in something that used to be interesting. 17. To be the point. To be the most important fact or consideration about a topic. 18. It figures. This expression is used, often ironically,to mean that some outcome is logical, expected, or unavoidable. Apps “““““““““““` Website: Google Store: App Store: