Download my free e-book: “5 Steps To Becoming A Confident English Speaker” Become Vanessa’s student by joining a course: ——————————————————————— English book recommendations: Subscribe and follow on social media! I’d love to meet you! YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Send us a postcard from your country: Speak English With Vanessa 825 C Merrimon Ave PMB # 278 Asheville, NC 28804 USA ——————————————————————— Speak English With Vanessa helps English learners to speak American English fluently, naturally, and confidently. To become a fluent English speaker and have English conversations with a native English speaker, go to Test your English vocabulary skills! Do you know these 15 advanced English words? Don’t hinder your English growth, assimilate these words into your daily conversation! Download my free e-book: “5 Steps To Becoming A Confident English Speaker” ——————————————————————— 1:10 ?Collaborate: to work together 2:20 ?Optimum: the best 3:08 ?Resilient: quickly recover from difficult situations 4:04 ?Scoff: to make fun of (with noise) 5:13 ?Retrospect: to look back with wisdom 6:29 ?Ambiguous: not certain 7:17 ?Hinder: to stop or prevent 8:10 ?Assimilate: to become similar 9:23 ?Nonchalant: not caring; cool 10:14 ?Rejuvenate: to feel alive again 11:02 ?Oblivious: to not realize 12:06 ?Ostracize: to ignore or push someone away 12:52 ?Spur of the moment: spontaneous 13:36 ?Slouch: to not sit up straight 14:46 ?Plausible: sounds like it might be true; possible but not likely ——————————————————————— Subscribe and follow on social media! I’d love to meet you! YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: *Contribute subtitles to this video in your language: Send us a postcard from your country: Vanessa Prothe PO Box 104 Asheville, NC 28802 USA ——————————————————————— Speak English With Vanessa helps English learners to speak American English fluently, naturally, and confidently. To become a fluent English speaker and have English conversations with a native English speaker, go to