Today, we are going to learn alternatives to the word “because”. This way, you can expand your vocabulary and avoid repeating the same word over and over again. ⭐Download my English workbook: Time codes: 00:00 Stop saying “because” 00:35 Since Since my parents can’t come this weekend, I suggest we go to a movie theater. 01:33 As As my parents can’t come this weekend, I suggest we go to a movie theater. As the woman had no friends, she went to a movie theater alone. 02:08 Do you still have lockdown? 02:52 Out of She did this because she was curious. = She did this out of curiosity. He was shaking because he was afraid. = He was shaking out of fear. 03:26 Improve your English with my Workbook 04:17 As long as As long as my daughter’s sleeping, I can finish this video. 04:46 So Because my tooth ached, I booked a dental appointment. I had a toothache, so I booked a dental appointment. 05:06 Thanks to Thanks to my brother, who burnt the dinner, we will all have to wait for pizza delivery. Thanks to my current diet, I’m much fitter and healthier now. 05:40 Due to Due to bad weather conditions, the flight has been canceled. 05:57 As a result of As a result of his efforts, he entered one of the best universities. 06:13 Now that Now that my brother is home, we can finally have dinner. Now that the weather has been nice for several days, I can cut the grass. 06:52 Considering that It didn’t take us long to find the right grocery store, considering that it’s the only one in our neighborhood. 07:13 On the grounds that We won’t invest in your company on the grounds that there is no demand for your service. 08:12 Seeing that Seeing that they haven’t raised any investor money, they decided to change their business plan. 08:31 Inasmuch as Inasmuch as I’ve already done my research, I can guarantee you there is demand for this product. 09:14 In view of the fact that In view of the fact that you watched this video up to the very end, I want to give you some homework. 09:43 Your homework Replace the word “because” in these sentences: 1. I don’t want to go out tonight because I had a very difficult day at work. 2. Because I studied very hard, I scored 115 out of 120 on TOEFL. 3. I screamed at him because I was angry. ⭐ INSTAGRAM – linguamarina ⭐ LEARN LANGUAGES ABROAD – ⭐ ENROLL IN MY YOUTUBE COURSE – ⭐ DOWNLOAD MY ENGLISH WORKBOOK – ? Get your English text corrected instantly – ? FILMING EQUIPMENT – Gear for making my ‘talking head’ videos – – Gear for vlogging – ?PROMOS $20 TO SPEND ON UBER – I use affiliate links whenever possible (if you purchase items listed above using my affiliate links, I will get a bonus) #StopSaying #StopUsing #StopOverusing