ساينس الصف الخامس الإبتدئي الفصل الدراسي الاول ساينس خامسة ابتدائي – ترم أول In This part we will study : 3- Like magnetic poles repel, while unlike magnetic poles attract. The similar magnetic poles reel each other, but the opposite magnetic poles attract each other. Give reason 1. The south pole of a magnet attracts the north pole of another magnet but repels the south pole. Because unlike poles attract each other while like poles repel each other. Uses of the magnet: Used in making (the magnetic compass) Historical theory: Chinese the first who uses free spins magnet rock to lead the army through dense foggy areas. ** in 1600 William Gilbert the first who made magnetized needle to be light for spinning freely. And it was the basic idea in making the compass. The importance of the magnetic compass: It is used to identify the main four geographical directions. بالتوفيق مستر احمد الباشا