Did you know that reading is one of the best ways to improve your speaking? On the other hand, many students don’t enjoy reading because they believe they are too slow, and it discourages them. Some students even say they forget a sentence as soon as they’ve read it. If you want to improve your reading and your speaking, this video is for you. I will teach you two techniques you can use to read faster and more efficiently: grouping and pacing. If you follow the tips in this video, you can cut your reading time in half! TAKE THE QUIZ: https://www.engvid.com/how-to-read-faster-2-tricks/ WATCH NEXT: 1. How to remember anything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfHNo9HlC8c 2. Use mind maps to understand and remember what you read: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1rwf370z5E #engvid #SpeedReading #LearnEnglish TRANSCRIPT Man, I really have to read this book and I just don’t have the time. Hi. James from engVid. If you’re like me, you have to read a lot of material. If you are studying English or you’re learning English, you probably don’t like to read, which is too bad, because reading is one of the fastest ways to improve… Well, let’s go to the board and find out. As you can see, E is running very quickly, here. Right? And he’s trying to read. So, we’re going to learn to read faster today, and I’m going to teach you how to read faster with two different techniques, and I’m going to teach you… You’ll start to enjoy your reading. So we’ll go to the board and we’ll talk about reading, why it’s important, and what we can do about it. The first thing I want to talk about with reading: Reading helps to do a couple of things. Number one, it helps you to learn new things. When you read a book about philosophy, it teaches you about somebody’s new idea or a new invention. It gives you new vocabulary. Many words… In fact, they say if you don’t understand 90% of the material, you won’t understand it; but even just reading something, if you have a dictionary, will help you go and learn new vocabulary to understand material, so it gives you new words; it gives you a better or a wider way to speak. It helps you to understand. Sometimes when someone says something it’s a little too fast, but then when you read it, you have time to read it, go back, read it, go back, read it, and go: “I got it.” Right? It gives you time to look at the picture; the mental picture or the written picture. It gives you new ideas. Remember you learn new things? Well, when you start adding idea from this book, idea from that book, you get new ideas of your own; you become more creative. Your world becomes a richer place to live. And, finally, because we’re doing English, you learn how to speak a language. Like: “Stop. What do you mean? How do I learn to speak by reading?” Well, for you people who are learning to speak a language-okay?-reading shows you the structure that people use when they speak. Reading shows you new vocabulary, or it shows you what we call the colloquial; the common person’s way of speaking. You get all that from reading; how to say it, where to put the verb and the noun or the adjective. Right? Cool? That’s what it can do, and that’s what’s important to us. Our reading is going to teach us how to speak, but also it’s good to be able to read in a country, because I often say: If you cannot read in a language, you’re stupid. And if you wonder what I mean, think about the guy who when you give a simple sentence, like: “The cat went in the house”, cannot read it and he reads it like: “The cat went in”, you go: “The guy’s stupid.” Don’t be stupid. Don’t be stupid in your language; don’t be stupid in my language. So today we’re going to work on a process to help you with reading. Now, as much as I said all these great things about reading, there are a couple of things to be aware of, or… Actually, I don’t have to tell you. You know, but I want you to know that I understand, so I’m putting it on the board so you know what I’m going to teach you will help you overcome or help you solve that problem. Problem: Reading takes a long time. Well, in your own language it takes some time, but if you’re learning another language, it will always take you much longer to read because you have a problem of translating, or skipping back and translating. Translating, you know what I mean; you translate from the language you’re looking at into your own language to understand it, and then translate it back to that language – that’s a lot of work. And if you think about how long that takes, that’s like two different trips, like: In, out; in, out; in, out for every word. That will take… Something that takes four minutes to read – make you read it for 20 minutes. And who wants to read one paragraph or five sentences, and it takes 10 minutes, and you still don’t understand it? That’s a problem. Another problem: You don’t remember what you read. Do you remember when I said to you: “You’re reading up and down”? […]