Learn 11 slang words and phrases that are popular NOW. The slang in today’s video is used especially by men…men talking about their bodies, men talking about other men, and men talking about women! Learn what it means when a guy is “making gains” or “smashing it”. Is that guy full-natty, or is he ‘roided up? – Man, that chick at the bar was hot AF! – Yeah, but she was dumb A all F! I’m looking for the full package… Watch this lesson to learn what all of this slang means, and how you can use it. You’ll see and hear these slang terms a lot on YouTube and all over the internet. Do you even lift bro? Take the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/learn-english-slang-guy-talk/ WATCH NEXT: 3 popular slang words in British English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0JUlo0ETZY TRANSCRIPT Hey, everyone. In this lesson we’re talking guy talk – things that guys say in the gym, or about each other, or about women. And we’ll start with: “_______ as fuck”. “As fuck” is used for emphasis when you really mean something, so you could see… You could be talking about this woman, and you could say… or girl, you could say: “She was ugly as fuck. She was… she was so ugly.” But if you wanted to say it… If she was extra ugly, you’ve never seen anything as ugly as that in your life, you could say: “She’s ugly as all fuck.” Then you really mean it. That’s extra, extra “as fuck”. Now we’ve got: “smashing it”. When… this is more of a British English expression. “Smashing” used to mean… It still does, but it’s not really used. Used to mean really good if something is smashing, but it’s not used in that way now. It’s changed in slang to be: “smashing it”. When you’re smashing it, you’re doing it really well; you’re doing it so well. So, if you were at the gym and you were… You were lifting, like, more than you normally lift, you could say… You could say: “I was… I smashed it at the gym today.” Or you could say: “He’s smashing it” – he’s having such a… Such a good workout, whatever. When you really approve when they’re doing something really well: “smashing it”. Next we have: “making gains”. “Making gains” means when you go to the gym and you want to put on muscle, and you want to do bodybuilding because you want to get bigger, you want to get ripped – you want to get ripped as fuck. So, you go to the gym and you do all the stuff they do. You’re trying to… You want to “make gains”; get bigger. You want to make gains. This is, like… It’s something you’re doing as in a sport, but also with the intention to get bigger and put on the muscle. Next we’ve got: “full natty”. If you’re full natty, you’re… You’re… You’re someone who works out; you’re a man who works out who’s fully natural, and that means you don’t take steroids to, like, get bigger and bigger and bigger. You have got your muscle the hard way, without any help from steroids. So, people talk about other… Men talk about other men, or men talk about bodybuilders on YouTube, or athletes, and things like that, and they’ll say: “Do you think he’s full natty?” That means: Do you think he’s natural? Or they say: “He’s… He’s not fully… He’s not fully… He’s not full natty.” That means that he takes steroids. If he takes steroids, then you’re “roided up”. Steroid; you’re roided up. So, if you think about a… you want to go to a club – who’s standing there at the door when you want to get in? This big guy like this – he’s roided up and you have to show him your ID before you can get in the club. If he’s roided up, it’s quite possible that he’s also got “bitch tits”. As he’s put on all… He’s made gains and he’s got really… he’s got really muscley, but he’s also grown some boobies. That’s because the steroids have the impact on him of making bitch tits. You can, by the way, also get bitch tits from eating foods with lots of estrogens in them, so eating lots and lots of chicken has been known… chicken breast has been known to give a man bitch tits. Next we’ve got: “to have swag”. If somebody has swag, then it’s like they carry themselves… They carry themselves really… Well, they have confidence, they dress well. “Swag” comes from… In British English, comes from “swagger”. Someone with swagger – it means the same thing; walking with confidence, looking good. But now the more modern slang version is “having swag”. Now, this expression to say: “Have… have swag. Oh. Oh, you’ve got swag; he’s got swag”, some… I think it’s been overused a lot by the younger… The younger generation, younger… younger than I am. Anyway, because I’ve… I’ve never actually said this myself; I’ve heard it. Because it’s been overused so much and some people don’t… I guess they find this term annoying or whatever, it’s become a meme, like something people say when they hear it: “Secretly We Are Gay”. Okay? […]