Whether you are talking about the different styles of music you like or the kinds of foods you can and cannot eat, you frequently talk about categories, sometimes without realizing it. In this lesson, I will teach you phrases that you can use to describe categories of things that are important to you. This will help you discuss differences or things you have in common with others. For example, you could talk about a “type” of movie, a “style” of clothing, a “sort” of person, etc. Native English speakers often use shorter forms of these words, and I will teach you how to use this slang, as well. Take the quiz on this lesson at https://www.engvid.com/english-vocabulary-kind-of-sort-of/ . #engvid #LearnEnglish #vocabulary TRANSCRIPT Hi. James from engVid. This is my style of magazine; it gives me a lot of information, and the type of information I get from it is sort of cool. Now, I’ve used three terms or phrases: “sort of”, “kind of”, “style of” that you may not be familiar with; or if you are familiar, you don’t truly understand. My job today is to tell you the difference between the individual words: “kind”, “sort”, “style”, and “type”; what it means when you put “of”; what the slang meaning “of”; and how you can use it. I have a complicated drawing on the board, but I’ll help you understand it in a second. And by the time we’re done, you’ll be able to use these phrases like a native speaker. Okay, so let’s go to the board. First thing, E: “What are these types of words?” The first thing E will tell you is, well, first of all, they’re different types of words so we can’t say they’re adjectives, they’re this, this, and this. Each word has its own meaning, and sometimes they have two. I’m going to go to the board now and start working on that with you. All right? So let’s get on this side. So, let’s look at the first one: “kind”. “Kind” is a word you’ve probably heard before. “She is a kind woman.”, “He has a kind face.” And we mean nice and friendly. Now, you might not be aware that it also is a noun, as in category. If you look over here: What is “category”? It is people or things that have something in common; they share together. Okay? Like music. Music can be jazz, blues, classical, rock – they’re in the category of music, not movies, because they’re all types of, you know, instruments and people singing. So when you say: “What type of or kind of music do you like?” We’re saying: “What category? Is it jazz? Is it rock?” because they all share music together, but there’s something specific with each genre or grouping, so we say: “kind of”, and that tells us what category. And the next one we’re going to talk about is “style”. Now, some of you like my style, right? When we say “style”, we say way of doing something, that’s his style. So, some people like Michael Jordan, when he used to throw a ball he’d have his tongue out – that was his style. Not many NBA athletes do that, but he would, so you knew when Michael went: “Ah”, he was about to jump and throw it. Appearance, like my appearance. I love superheroes so I’m always wearing… Not always, but a lot of time wearing superhero clothing or costumes. And those of you who know me know I love Batman. So, when you talk about someone’s style, you talk about their general appearance; what they wear regularly. Okay? Or their way of doing something, like I said, Michael Jordan. We also use it for elegance, which means sophisticated, not common, above average. Usually people say elegant people have money, but it’s not the case. It just means they have a certain way about them that makes them special, and people like it and respect it; to be elegant. But “style” also means… It’s also a verb, as in to design. So when you design or make something in a specific way, it’s that style. So if it’s in the classical style, it’s made like the classics. If it’s in the modern style, it’s made like modern things, like all white furniture. Okay? Once we add “of”, and you notice I added “of” to “kind of” to talk about category, once again, we get a noun. Right? So we go: “kind of”, we become a noun… We can use it as a noun as well. Right? “Kind of” from grouping. Same thing, people or if things are together. So if you say: “What style of music do you like?” it’s similar to saying: “What kind of music do you like?” Okay? The “of” brings these things together to give them something common or puts them in a given category, you might say. Why am I teaching you this? To go back again, because a lot of times we say this when we want to talk about what groupings go together and preferences. There’s a little bit more to it, which I’ll get back to afterwards, but as long as you understand that “kind” with “of” and “style” with “of” are similar that they talk about category. What’s the next one I’m going to go to? Well, let’s go to “type”. Typing: “Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch”, now, you do that on the computer. […]