7 drawings that look better than reality Vol 3 Get my exclusive drawing tutorials on: https://www.patreon.com/marcellobarenghi Like and Subscribe if you enjoyed this drawing video https://www.youtube.com/user/marcellobarenghi?sub_confirmation=1 Join the Notification Crew: click the ?Bell FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! ? INSTAGRAM (@marcellobarenghi) ► https://bit.ly/2Qs64kb ? FACEBOOK (@marcellobarenghi) ► https://bit.ly/1q0xRIT ? TWITTER (@BarenghiM) ► https://bit.ly/2QqmrOa ? MY DRAWING TOOLS http://www.marcellobarenghi.com/p/materials-used-for-my-drawing-video-on.html ? MY RECORDING and EDITING EQUIPMENT https://amzn.to/2JzT3lL ⌚ THESE DRAWINGS TOOK ME ? Cola Can: 4 hours 52 minutes ☕ Paris Cup: 3 hours 45 minutes ? Bastardidentro Planner: 6 hours 40 minutes ? Cat: 4 hours 30 minutes ? Glass: 3 hours 36 minutes ▶️ Gold Button: 5 hours 40 minutes ✂️ Scissors: 3 hours 43 minutes ? MUSIC/SONGS ? Cola Can: “Missed you” by William L Newman licensed by Footage Firm, Inc https://www.audioblocks.com/stock-audio/missed-you.html ☕ Paris Cup: “Joys Of Life” licensed by Jewelbeat (standard licence) ? Bastardidentro Planner: “Energicamente” by Tevenisse (used under license) https://www.youtube.com/tevenisse ? Cat: “I got eyes for you” by Neil Cross licensed by Footage Firm, Inc https://www.audioblocks.com/stock-audio/i-got-eyes-for-you-93905.html ? Glass: “First To Last” by https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music ▶️ Gold Button: “Saturday Morning Kids tv theme” by Bobby Cole licensed by Footage Firm, Inc https://www.audioblocks.com/stock-audio/saturday-morning-kids-tv-theme.html ✂️ Scissors: “Home Town Theme” licensed by Jewelbeat (standard licence) Did you create some amazing drawings inspired by my style and drawing technique? ?? That’s great! Post them on instagram using the hashtag marcellobarenghiinspired and tag me @marcellobarenghi Each week I’ll choose and publish my favorites! More info: http://www.marcellobarenghi.com/p/marcello-barenghi-inspired.html https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/marcellobarenghiinspired/ #top #drawings #MarcelloBarenghi