المكونات 2 كوب حليب 2 صفار بيض نصف كوب طحين ثلث كوب سكر رشة ملح بسطة ملعقة صغيرة فانيلة قشر برتقال و ليمون عود قرفة دارسين للقلي زيت طحين بيض مع فانيلة للتغطية مزيج السكر مع القرفة الدارسين Hello today our sweet is fried milk, it is very creamy fried milk. A rich and easy-to-make dessert – Spanish dessert recipe. A delicious dessert of Spanish cuisine. Fried milk is very easy and with very inexpensive ingredients (to make it you do not need an oven). Take milk, sugar, flour, eggs … nothing more. With these ingredients comes a dessert that is amazing. … it’s delicious. It is a dessert that serves to surprise and entertain the most beloved guests. They will never forget it , and when they come to think about this delicious recipe , it will come to their head the creamy, delicious and aromatic pieces of fried milk. So it is a recipe that can not be absent in your cookbook of select and gourmet recipes. So you must try it, I am sure you will love it, cause it is so so yummy. #lechefrita #postrefacil #homemade dessert Ingredients 500 ml (2 cups )of milk 75 g (1/2 cup )of flour 75 g (1/3 cup) of sugar 2 egg yolk 1 cinnamon stick skin of half lemon and orange 1 teaspoon of vanilla To batter: eggs flour sugar cinnamon