How can I destroy my fear and openly talk with others? Doing English Film ▶︎ Written Version & Notes ▶︎ Click here to Subscribe! ★ DAILY EMAIL ▶︎ If you liked this video you might also like ► “FORGETTING ENGLISH ISN’T YOUR FIRST LANGUAGE” — a film for intermediate and advanced English learners. ► In this video… Fear stops people from becoming the person they should be. Ludmila sent me this email: Hi Julian, Everyday i am reading your emails and its helps me to read and gather knowledge about vocabulary and grammer. And thank you very much for that. I have a question about fear. Most of the times i have so many ideas and so many things to talk with people but i’m afraid to talk and also i’m curious what the people will think about me and what will they say to me if i make a mistake. How can i destroy my fear and openly talk with others. Thank you Ludmila Good question. I can relate. I was a “shy” person for a long time. Have courage: you won’t have to be stuck there forever. You can move forward with practice–one step at a time. First, know that improving your English will build your confidence. And it goes the other way as well: building your confidence will improve your English. Second, get support form like-minded people–people you feel comfortable with and who share some of your interests. And start small: set yourself a small goal each day. For example, order coffee the way you like it and talk with the server about the weather. If you think you made a mistake or didn’t say something well, make a note and find out how you should have said it. Doing English PLUS will help you with weekly lessons (where you’ll learn the language you need) and support from the Community (a great place to ask questions, ask about things you wanted to say but couldn’t, communicate with people who are in similar situations, and practise your English). Also, in a recent Guest Expert interview, we talked a lot about the topic of fear and how to cope with it effectively. ABOUT DOING ENGLISH Doing English with Julian is a channel for intermediate and advanced English learners who feel stuck with their English. Whether you’re an IT professional, an accountant, a doctor or an artist — speaking English well will bring opportunities to your life. ◆ Watch the Doing English FILM: Thanks for being a supporter. #DoingEnglish #JulianNorthbrook #learnEnglish