Q17 correct answer: B Q18 correct answer: D Q19 correct answer: B,E Q24: if enable password and enable secret are used, the enable secret always takes precedence In this series, you will get to know how does the CCNA exam looks like, what might you see in the exam, how to answer, make use of time, which types of questions you might see, and more, series link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAqaqJU4wzYVrpUgjqF4xC9icYqcJ8MHW in every video there will be 25 question discussed, hopefully to prepare you the best before taking the online exam, slides used in the video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Qlh35S3DOzaN_67xz_23I78lq69iuDwS parts will keep updating, PLEASE NOTICE, that it is expected first to study the complete exam course, before starting here, The Complete English CCNA 200-301 Course is in the link below: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAqaqJU4wzYVW-_eHijUr6PjoBCnG3ixU