ساينس الصف السادس الإبتدئي الفصل الدراسي الاول ساينس سادسة ابتدائي – ترم أول In This part we will study : Give Reason for … 1. Lime water turns milky when CO2 passes through it. Due to formation of chemical substance called calcium carbonate which is insoluble in water. 2. When you blow in a jar that contains lime water, it turns turbid. Because exhaled air contains CO2 gas that turbid clear lime water. Preparation of carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide results from the reaction between Calcium carbonate with diluted hydrochloric acid. Carbon dioxide cannot be collected by displacing the water downward, because it dissolves in water and heavier than it. Observation: Carbon dioxide gas evolves then it is collected in the cylinder. Conclusion: Carbon dioxide gas is prepared by upward displacement of air. Give reason: 1.Carbon dioxide is not collected by displacement of water. Because it is easily dissolved in water. 2. Carbon dioxide gas is collected by upward displacement of air. Because it is heavier than air. لمتابعة مستر احمد الباشا وكل ما يخص الساينس : جروب الفيس بوك http://bit.ly/2Of1mcN صفحة الفيس بوك http://bit.ly/2Gq5xMo بالتوفيق مستر احمد الباشا