ساينس الصف السادس الإبتدئي الفصل الدراسي الاول ساينس سادسة ابتدائي – ترم أول In This part we will study : central nervous system Brain •It is located in a bony box called the skull, to protect it. •The brain is composed of; Cerebrum – cerebellum – Medulla oblongata •Function of the brain: •It directs and coordinates all the processes, ideas, behaviors and emotions. The brain consists of: 1. Cerebrum 2. Cerebellum 3. Medulla oblongata 1. Cerebrum: It is the largest part of the brain. It is divided into two halves called the cerebral hemispheres, separated by fissures. The outer layer is a grey and it is called cerebral cortex and it is grey. The cerebral hemispheres have many convolutions. The function: 1) Contain thinking and memory centers. 2) Control the voluntary actions such as walking and running. 3) Receive the nerve impulse from sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin) and send responds to them. لمتابعة مستر احمد الباشا وكل ما يخص الساينس : جروب الفيس بوك http://bit.ly/2Of1mcN صفحة الفيس بوك http://bit.ly/2Gq5xMo بالتوفيق مستر احمد الباشا