Do you know the difference between ‘miss’ and ‘lose’? These two words are very similar, but we use them differently in English. Do you say ‘I lost the bus’ or ‘I missed the bus’? Did you ‘lose your keys’ or ‘miss your keys’? Don’t miss this English lesson! I’ll teach you when to use these words, so you can avoid making mistakes with these confusing English words. Once you know the difference, take the quiz to make sure you understand the correct usage! TRANSCRIPT Trilling and singing. This is for a Tthan Lann from Vietnam who said, “Please don’t sing anymore.” I just did. Sing, sing, sing. Hi, Tthan. Anyways. Sorry. I don’t want to lose this opportunity with you guys. I was lucky; I didn’t miss this movie by Chris Evans. Captain America. Great film. Great film. Yeah. I want to do a lesson with you today about “miss” and “loss”. You noticed I used two examples when I said, “I don’t want to lose time with you”, and “I don’t want to miss — or I didn’t miss movie.” Why? Because many students make a common mistake of using “miss” and “loss”. They might say something like, “I lose my bus today. That is why I’m late.” I can’t understand why they would say that because in English, “miss” and “loss” mean something similar. It means — Hey, Mr. E. How are you — you don’t have something. Right? You don’t have something. But they come at it from different angles. When I lose something, it means I have less. See? I have less of it, or there’s a reduce. Okay? But when I miss something, I don’t hit, or I don’t connect. The target is here — “target” is where you’re aiming or what you want to hit — but we move, or we miss, so we do not hit the target. We should go here, but we go here. “You miss.” Okay? So there’s not a hitting or a connection. So that’s the basic lesson we’re going to do today. Loss — oh, sorry. “Lose” and “miss”, what are the differences? How are they the same? So you can speak like a native speaker. Are you ready? Let’s go to the board. All right. Now, I’ve talked about basically what they mean. “Miss” means to not hit something, right? Or not make a connection to something. Well, when you lose something, it means you can’t find it, it’s missing, or there’s a reduction. But there’s another difference as well. Let’s talk about the grammar. We use them differently grammatically. And we’re going to work on this now. “Lose.” “Lose” is an irregular verb. What that means is it doesn’t follow the standard order or the usual way we do things. Add an S — right? “Lose, loses” — to the present tense — ING or ED. It’s an irregular verb. So when we talk about the past — okay? So “lose”, the base form, lose is — oops. Sorry. Before I lose my mind. I think I lost my mind here. “Lose” is as in, “He loses everything.” “Lose” — base form. “Losing” — when you’re in the middle of; present continuous. But the past form is “lost”. We change it. It makes it irregular. Okay? Now, that’s the verb form when we use it — the action. But when we talk about noun, we change this word “lose” to “loss”. Okay? Notice the E becomes an S. They’re similar in that something you cannot find or do not have anymore. Here’s an example of using “loss”. “His death was a loss to the company.” Notice we use an article to tell you this is a noun. Okay? And he is no longer here. Remember, I said there’s a reduction or less of something? So that’s what we have with “loss” when we use it as a noun. Now, we’re going to go over to “miss”, and we’re going to look at the grammar for that. Mr. E is a little confused, but should be finished by now. Okay? Ready? “Miss” — it’s a regular verb. So “miss”, “misses” — right? So you’ve got “misses”, m-i-s-s-e-s, like “Mississippi”, double S here, right? “Missing” and “missed”. No problem there. As a noun, unlike “lose”, it keeps the same form. So it can be a bit confusing for people because they say “miss” and “miss”, and they think, “Oh, noun or verb?” Well, actually, it’s easy. We go here. “The new TV program will be a hit or miss.” Once again, we’ve got an article to tell us, so you don’t have to worry, really. You just look for the article with this. It’s a noun. Or verb; miss watching or miss going, or miss the — the usual verb endings, and you know it’s a verb. Cool? All right. So we’re going to take a second. And magically, I’m going to come back. What’s going to happen is we’re going to look at the combined differences between “miss” and “loss”, and I’m going to clear up that confusion. Ready? Hey. Did you miss me? I’m back. All right. So the board is changed, and we have to continue our lesson. So we talked about not making a connection when we talked about missing. And then, with “loss”, we talked about reduction. Right? So let’s go to the board over here. We’ve got our “lost” over here — okay? Oh, sorry. “Lose.” And we’ve got over here — what do we have? We have “miss”. Okay?