You learn the most English if you’re having fun doing it. So today, I’m going to teach you how to improve your English by watching movies and by listening to music! Many of you already listen to English music and watch shows and movies that are in English. I’m going to teach you some activities that will make you active with the language you hear. You’ll also learn fun games you can play by yourself or with a friend that will help you learn vocabulary, expressions, and pronunciation. By learning English from movies and music, you’ll also sound more like a native speaker. TRANSCRIPT To be, or not to be – that is the… Hi. James from engVid. Just practicing my Shakespeare. Well, not really. I just wanted to show you acting. Acting, being an actor can be a good way to learn English. And today I want to show you two fun ways to practice English doing things you already love to do. Okay? So, let’s go to the board. Mr. E is saying: “I sound like Madonna!” That’s not here yet, but that’ll be the second one, but today or right now this part of the lesson is about movies, acting. What we want you to do or what I want you to do is go find a movie you love in English. I’m sure there’s… If you’re watching me, I’m sure you’ve watched some English television program or movie. I mean, I’m speaking a lot of English so I know you’re used to it. What I… What I want you to do is pretend you are an actor in a movie, and we’re going to take a few steps to get there. So the first thing is: Pick a movie that you love watching, because some of you watch it again and again. Star Wars, yeah, yeah? Or Harry Potter, if that’s still out there, or Bond, James Bond. Right? Any of those movies. Okay, so you pick your movie. The second thing I want you to do is go through the movie and watch the scenes you love the best when the actor says something like: “Punk, do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do ya?” And then pick a couple of those scenes. All right? The third thing I want you to do is go to this part, and it’s i-m… It’s It’s where you get scripts. Now, right now you’re probably going: “What’s a script?” Well, in music the words in the music are called lyrics. Okay? So when you’re looking at the words in a song they’re called the lyrics. But when you’re looking at the words in a movie, it’s from a script. And one actor has his part in a script, another actor has her part in a script. And these are the lines they say. This particular website has amazing amount… An amazing amount of movies with scripts, so you can go and find any of the latest ones, like of Jason Bourne, or I’m trying to think of something that came out. I don’t know when you’re going to see this, so just say Harry Potter, maybe Ironman. Okay? Go check it out, you’ll see the scripts, you can go and look at it. The reason why I asked you up here is to pick out scenes is you can go to the scene on the script where it may say: “Car chase scene”, “Gun scene”, “Kissing scene”, and you can look at it, and all of the words the actors say are there. Because I know sometimes you don’t know what the actor is actually saying. Sometimes we have what’s called relaxed speech. In relaxed speech, they might say: “What do you want?” and it comes out: “Whatda ya want?” And you’re like: “What?” It’s English. Now, we have a video on relaxed speech, you can go and check it out, and it will explain: “Whatda ya want?” and other ones. Okay? So, the lines that will be there, you might notice a big difference between what the actor says and what is actually written for what you should explain or you should understand. Okay? This is good, it’s going to help you with your ears as well. There’s a thing you can pick up from listening. Okay? So we want to look at the scripts and then listen. Now, watch the movie at your favourite part. So now you’ve got the script in your hand, you’re going to watch that part. Read. Here’s the funny thing, a lot of times people read when they’re watching a movie, like they read the subtitles-you know the little words?-and they think: “My listening is good because I understand.” No, you’re reading, but it does help because it helps you put a picture, a word picture to the words you’re hearing. And we’re much better with pictures. Think of it this way: Have you ever walked up to someone and said: “I remember your name, but I don’t remember your face.” No, you don’t do that. We always remember faces and we forget names. Those kind of words and sounds are hard to remember, but the picture we always keep.