ساينس الصف الأول الاعدادي – الفصل الدراسي الاول ساينس اولي اعدادي ترم اول In This part we will study : Third : Molecules and atoms. – The molecule is composed of tiny structural units called “Atoms”. – The difference in molecules of various substances is due to : 1. The number of atoms. 2. The kind of atoms. 3. The way of combination together. Kinds of molecules : Element molecule . Compound molecule Element It is the simplest pure form of matter which can’t be analyzed chemically into simpler form by simple chemical methods. Compound molecule It is a substance which is formed from the combination of atoms of two or more different elements with constant weight ratios.’ لمتابعة مستر احمد الباشا وكل ما يخص الساينس : جروب الفيس بوك http://bit.ly/2Of1mcN صفحة الفيس بوك http://bit.ly/2Gq5xMo بالتوفيق مستر احمد الباشا