ساينس الصف الثاني الاعدادي – الفصل الدراسي الاول ساينس تانية اعدادي – ترم اول In This part we will study : 2. Stratosphere – It is called the ozonic atmospheric envelope . Location – It is the second layer of atmospheric envelope . Give Reason For … Stratosphere layer is important for man’s life. Because it contains ozone layer, which absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiations emitted from the sun and it is also convenient for flying planes. 3. Mesosphere – It is the middle layer and the coldest one . Location – It is the third layer of atmospheric envelope. Give Reason For … Mesosphere layer is highly rarefied. Because it contains limited quantities of helium and hydrogen gases only. لمتابعة مستر احمد الباشا وكل ما يخص الساينس : جروب الفيس بوك http://bit.ly/2Of1mcN صفحة الفيس بوك http://bit.ly/2Gq5xMo بالتوفيق مستر احمد الباشا