الطرشي الاحمر اسرع طريقة -الطرشي الاحمر العراقي- أكلات عراقية Red pickles Recipe Red pickles recipe Ingredients are cabbage carrots turnip beet green hot pepper 9 cups of filtered water 3 cups of vinegar 9 Tablespoons of kosher salt 3 Teaspoons of sugar first peel the turnip and beet, all the vegetables should be washed and clean. then cut all the vegetables into medium pieces as shown in large bowl on high heat add the amount of water, vinegar, salt and sugar when boiled add about 4 cloves of garlic lets boil for 1 minutes then directly add it to the chopped vegetables wait until cool down then put them into cleaned Jars and close them well store them in refrigerator or at room temperature, but when you open a Jar, put it in the refrigerator. Enjoy the most delicious pickle ever. please subscribe, like and share. اللهم اكفني بحلالك عن حرامك، واغنني بفضلك عمن سواك. ماشاء الله سبحان الله وبحمده